ESA signature
13-15 November 2024 ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherland


Programme Agenda


Imaging spectroscopy in the visible to shortwave infrared wavelength range, is a powerful tool for the remote sensing of Earth surface and atmosphere properties. Imaging spectroscopy measurements have a high diagnostic power: spectroscopic observations with hundreds of contiguous spectral channels provide detection sensitivity to a wide range of physical processes and materials. The technique has gradually evolved from technological demonstrations projects and scientific studies towards operational and commercial applications and is today one of the fastest growing research areas in remote sensing.
In the last years, the availability of high spatial resolution (i.e. ~30 m pixel size) imaging spectroscopy data from space has tremendously increased thanks to the successful deployment of PRISMA (ASI), DESIS (DLR), HISUI (METI), EnMAP (DLR) and EMIT (NASA/JPL), paving the way for the development of future missions such as PRISMA Second Generation (ASI), SBG (NASA/JPL) and CHIME (ESA).
Building on the outcomes of the first and second editions of this Workshop in July 2019 and October 2022, and on the continuous cooperation between all involved Agencies, the main objective of this Workshop is to strengthen international coordination, synergies among current and future missions and to establish priority areas for future projects and activities.

Workshop Objectives

  • Assess the status of current and planned international imaging spectroscopy missions designed for Earth surface monitoring
  • Identify major gaps and opportunities for the scientific and user community linked to the development of future imaging spectroscopy missions
  • Strengthen international cooperation and coordination in the space and ground segment operation, calibration and validation, products definition, data access and data exploitation

Workshop Main Topics

  • Harmonisation of data formats and products and their possible standardization
  • Harmonisation of atmospheric and topographic correction schemes/procedures
  • Harmonisation of pre-flight characterisation and in-flight cross-calibration of international missions
  • Mission calibration and data validation plans, data quality assurance and uncertainty quantification
  • Exchange and harmonisation of geo/biophysical parameter retrieval schemes
  • International joint airborne/field deployments/campaigns, especially over large regions and time series
  • Coordination of data acquisition plans, including by means of orbital phasing of international missions for improved revisit/coverage and establishment of longer time series
  • Potential synergies with other current and future space-based systems (e.g. US Landsat, Copernicus Sentinels)
  • Coordination of research and training activities
  • Definition of priority areas for future projects

Organizing Committee

Luigi Ansalone

Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, ASI

Michael Bock

DLR, Germany

Marco Celesti

European Space Agency, ESA

Sabine Chabrillat

GFZ, German Research Center for Geosciences

Ferran Gascon

European Space Agency, ESA

Robert Green


Uta Heiden

DLR, Germany

Takahiro Kawashima

University of Tokyo

Sabrina Lodadio

Serco spa for European Space Agency, ESA

Ettore Lopinto

Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, ASI

Charles Miller


Jens Nieke

European Space Agency, ESA

Fabrizio Pera

Serco spa for European Space Agency -ESA

Anke Schickling

European Space Agency, ESA

David Schimel


Sara Venafra

Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, ASI

Jasmijn Willemse

ESA Conference Bureau, ATPI Events, NL

Scientific Committee

Valentina Boccia

European Space Agency – ESA

Emiliano Carmona


Sabine Chabrillat


Dana Chadwick

NASA JPL Caltech

Roberto Colombo

Universitá Milano-Bicocca

Jeff Dozier

University of California Santa-Barbara

Regina Eckert

NASA JPL Caltech

Ferran Gascon

European Space Agency – ESA

Claudia Giardino


Kevin Alonso Gonzalez

European Space Agency – ESA

Robert O. Green

NASA JPL Caltech

Luis Guanter

Universitat Politècnica De València

Uta Heiden


Jose Moreno

University of Valencia

Giuseppe Ottavianelli

European Space Agency – ESA

Marc Paganini

European Space Agency – ESA

Michael Rast


Kurt Thome

NASA Goddard

David R. Thompson


Phil Townsend

University Of Wisconsin-Madison

Woody Turner


Krieger Vera



The Workshop is open to all participation interested in the Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy including includes international representatives from Space Agencies, scientists and applications experts active in the field of imaging spectroscopy for terrestrial and coastal applications.

The Workshop sessions will include oral and poster presentations. The Workshop aims for a lively interactive workshop format stimulating exchange between presenters and participants. Discussion is of outmost importance; therefore, discussion round will be included in the Workshop.

The official language of the Workshop is English. No participation/registration fee will be charged. Participants are expected to finance their own travel and accommodation expenses.

Online Participation

As a remote participant, we kindly ask you to apply the following basic WebEx rules:

  • Use your full first and last name and if possible, your affiliation when you log in. Do not use nicknames.
  • ALL the participants are joining the session as attendees, they will be muted upon entry, they will only listen, no interaction with the speakers is foreseen.

Abstracts Submission

The Abstract submission interface is now open, and we invite you to submit your abstract HERE along with your
selection of the topic and type of presentation (oral or poster) proposed
Note: Abstract length should be at least 200 words and maximum 400 words (one A4 page, single space normally contains 400-500 words).
Information about the co-authors (name, last name, affiliation, contact Email) is required

Schedule and Deadlines

Call for abstracts6 May 2024
Abstract submission deadline10 June 2024 extended to 17/06/2024 at 23:59 (CEST)
Notification of oral presentations and posters selection by ESAmid-Sept 2024
Opening of registrationmid-Sept 2024
Registration Closure31 October 2024
Final information and programme        20 Oct 2024
Workshop at ESTEC13-15 Nov 2024

Contact Info

For information regarding the submissions, author instructions, scientific committee related inquiries please contact:

For information regarding the venue place, support with logistics booking and registration please contact